The “work” of investing

Data is all around us. Actually, it always has been, though lately we seem to be obsessed with it: getting it, having it, using it and now often having it stolen.

But data is only a starting point. There are many other steps necessary before data is of any value to investors. Data must be collected and organized into information and then interpreted to become knowledge. With experience, knowledge becomes wisdom and with time wisdom shapes judgment. In the end we hope judgment leads to action because without action, what good is all that data? The computer has given us the ability to collect and store massive amounts of data and a proliferation of websites, blogs and “robo-advisors” are ready to share investment “wisdom” gleaned from that data for free or fee. There are even reader comments to reassess and reaffirm what was said by the websites and blogs. So, with the proliferation of these new “tools”, why aren’t investors benefiting more today? My thoughts are the subject of this newsletter.

Please click here to view the Winter 2014 newsletter.

This material was created while Al Boris was at a previous broker/dealer and has been rebranded to reflect his current firm, Alex. Brown, a Division of Raymond James. It is provided for historical purposes only. Investors should not act on the historical comments which do not reflect current market conditions.